Approved by the NAES Governing Board in September 2008, this document offers best governance practices for parish school leaders: heads, rectors, vestry and board members.
Read More » Approved by the NAES Governing Board in September 2009, this document offers best practices for all Episcopal schools when the search for a new head of school ensues, and for parishes and cathedrals that sponsor a school when the search for a new rector or dean ensues.
Read More » Approved by the NAES Governing Board in April 2010, this document offers best practices and recommendations for all Episcopal schools when formulating and assessing their religious studies curricula; outlining the qualities sought in teachers of religion; and learning to understand the distinctions to be found between Episcopal parishes and Episcopal schools with regard to this topic.
Read More » Approved by the NAES Governing Board in April 2011, this document highlights the crucial components of a comprehensive, meaningful, and age-appropriate approach to worship and chapel in Episcopal schools as reflected in the Association's diverse membership. NAES urges all schools to use them as part of the context in which they formulate and assess this most crucial expression of their Episcopal identity.
Read More » The ministry of a school chaplain, in Episcopal schools, is both a time-honored one, as well as one that currently exists amidst a great deal of change. Given the increasingly fluid and complex religious landscape of our culture, chaplains now minister in a school community that is increasingly diverse: in most schools a variety of religions are represented as well as an increasing numbers of students, parents, and faculty who come to the school with no experience with any religious tradition. Adopted by the NAES Governing Board in 2016, this document offers these principles of good practice to highlight the potential for school chaplaincy, as well as to serve as a resource for a school in a variety of ways.
Read More » This documents provides a rationale and process that schools and churches should adopt when determining and allocating shared expenses. It explores: revenue and expense sources in church and school budgets; the benefits of allocation as opposed to undifferentiated lump sum payments; optimal church and school governance structures necessary for the process; implementation suggestions and instructions; and lists of key budget areas for consideration.
This tool provides NAES-member Episcopal school exploratory and start-up committees with a detailed five-phase timeline and lists of start-up and operating budget items for starting a viable and sustainable Episcopal school or Early Childhood Education program.
This tool is designed to help NAES-member Episcopal school exploratory and start-up committees undertake a systematic assessment of their readiness to start a viable and sustainable Episcopal school or Early Childhood Education program.
Are you exploring the establishment of an Episcopal school or Early Childhood Education program? The decision to establish a new Episcopal school requires discernment, education, planning, and time. Before you being your discernment process, read this article!
The calling and welcoming of a new rector is a time of deep reflection that ushers in a period of change for both the church and school. These eight key considerations can help church and school leaders navigate a smooth transition.