How to Support Haiti in a Time of Crisis

NAES would like you to know of the reputable organizations already at work in Haiti, whom you might wish to support. Though far from a comprehensive list, the agencies listed below are personally known to those working in the Haiti Partnership Program and assessed by these criteria. Read More »

The Commons: the NAES Blog

Timely, sometimes tough, questions and insights from NAES and Episcopal school leaders on leadership, governance, Episcopal identity, community life, and other issues. Read More »

Haiti Update: Hurricane Matthew, October 2016

On October 22, 2016, Canon Serena E. Beeks, D.Min., a coordinator of the Haiti Partnership Program in the United States and Executive Director of the Commission on Schools for the Diocese of Los Angeles, prepared this report from post-Matthew Haiti, along with guidelines for offering support and suggested agencies. Read More »

Episcopal Identity 2.0

Today, “2.0” is used throughout the education world to signal a transformational reinvention of schooling. Similarly, Episcopal schools are exploring how best to live out their core values in the context of a changing social and religious landscape.

Pledge for First Time Travelers to Haiti

The following “Pledge for First Time Travelers to Haiti” was written by Jackie Williams, Director of the Arts Center of the Partners in Health complex, in Cange. Founded by Paul Farmer, Partners in Health is operates twelve health clinics and hospitals across Haiti’s Central Plateau. Read More »

Community Service and Service-Learning: Charity, Justice, or Both?

This article offers a theological construct for defining and reviewing a school's community service and service-learning program; examines the concepts of charity and justice as they relate to servce; and reminds schools leaders about the inportance of developmental appropriateness when constituting service programs.

List of Haiti School Partnerships

A list of Episcopal schools in the United States, by state, that are participating in the Haiti Partnership Program, along with the name and location of their partner school in Haiti. Read More »