St. Peter’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Day School Announces Newly Renovated Library to Include iPads

Photo - Student esploring iPads

[St. Pater’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Day School] St. Peter’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Day School, Bay Shore, New York, is proud to announce the new library renovation now includes iPads. “The addition of the iPads will complement the International vision of our school. Currently, our children are using Skype to communicate with other children in Costa Rica and we have visiting teachers from both Korea and China,” says principal Frank Fallon. “In addition to French, our goal is to offer Mandarin next year and the IPads can enhance the children’s learning with applications (apps) that help them to write and speak in multiple languages, as well as to help with multimedia research projects.”

The library renovation was fully funded by the parents at St. Peter’s and was a collaborative project. Dads got down on their knees to lay carpet squares; moms cut out the large felt leaves that hang from the “learning tree” in the corner; another mother hand-painted the mural and Mr. Fallon built the carpeted platform underneath the tree.

At Christmas time, St. Peter’s partnered with Barnes and Noble resulting in 140 donated books, $1,200 in credits for additional books and over $6,000 in private donations. The private donations enabled the school to purchase the iPads allowing the school to offer cutting edge technology and to grow the library content, without having to expand space.
