Prayers for the People of Japan After the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami

On March 11, 2011, Japan suffered the effects of a tsunami caused by a 9.0 under-sea earthquake. The resulting devastation, which was experienced as far as two miles inland, has resulted in thousands of deaths. The most serious devastation was in and about Sendai.

The links below provide news from the Nippon Sei Ko Kai (the Anglican Province of Janpan) as well as prayers that can be used in Episcopal school chapel services to pray for the people of Japan.

The following prayer is from CAFOD, the Catholic aid agency for England and Wales.

God, present in our struggle,
We place before you the people of Japan as they try to make sense of the earthquake and tsunami.
Be comfort to those who grieve and to those who seek to support them.
Be close to those who are injured and to those who bring healing.
Be sight and strength to those who search for survivors.
Be courage to those who take care of the dead.
Be wisdom to those who are dealing with failing power stations.
Be vision in those who, even now, plan for rebuilding.
Be sure footing for those who must lead in uncertain times.
Be generosity for all who can offer help.
We ask this through Jesus who is our hope
