2010 NAES Database Update Forms Due June 1

2010 NAES database update forms were mailed to all Episcopal schools and school start-up committees in late April/early May. We ask that each organization complete this form, addressed to the “directory contact” (usually the head of school or committee contact), and mail it back to NAES no later than June 2, 2010. A blank, PDF version of the form, if needed, is available below.

The return of the database update form each year helps NAES:

  • by providing accurate and current statistical information about Episcopal school that enables the Association to represent its members to The Episcopal Church, the education community, and the world.
  • stay in touch with Episcopal school leaders. This is particularly important this year, given the conversion of Network, the NAES member newsletter, to an e-newsletter in August. Please be sure to provide the name and e-mail address information requested in parts V (list of head of school and administrators), VI (trustee chair), and VII (rector/vicar/dean) of the form.

Thank you for completing and returning this form. Questions may be directed to Linda Glad, director of operations, whose contact information is listed below.
