First Impressions

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression!” 

I can’t remember where I actually read or heard that for the first time. Some attribute it to Will Rogers. Regardless, I think there is some truth to it. As we are all getting ready for a new school year, we want to put our best foot forward and make a great first impression in our community. This is especially important for those of us serving in new roles this year. 

Over the past several weeks, I’ve had conversations with people who joined new communities on July 1 and are looking forward to making great first impressions. As I reflect upon my new role, I’m equally eager to make a strong first impression, one that focuses on core beliefs I hold about our common work together. 

First, I believe that Episcopal schools can change the world. This isn’t just idealistic language; I believe it and hope to impress this upon all of our communities during my first year as executive director. As a former student of an NAES school, I experienced firsthand the transformative effect of being in a supportive and nurturing environment that pushed me to be my best. Our schools create communities where young people can thrive, not just survive. That approach, coupled with how we impress upon our students the importance of “giving back,” is a formula for making the world a better place. Don’t ever forget the impact you are making. 

Second, I believe we are called to be strong and courageous in affirming our common values. Over the past few years, we have experienced challenging times together. Having deep conversations about the dignity of every human being while also navigating a pandemic pushed most of our communities to the edges of their capacity. And yet, I truly believe that we are called to declare courageously and unapologetically what it means to be an Episcopal community. We cannot shy away from our historic and deeply-held dedication to worship, community, spiritual formation, and social justice. 

Third, we need resources for us to accomplish our collective mission. Specifically, we need encouragement, models, principles of good practice, and the shared experience of leadership in order to navigate the choppy waters of our world today. This is why I am so excited to be part of the NAES team. Our mission is to serve those who serve Episcopal schools. For almost sixty years now, NAES has existed to provide encouragement and resources to your community. That legacy continues today, and I am excited to be part of it. 

In the coming years, I look forward to the opportunity to expand on these ideas with you. In the meantime, please know of my prayers as you begin your new year in your community. Please know of my team’s dedication to serve you. And please know, that together, we will accomplish miraculous things with God’s help!

The Rev. David A. Madison, D.Min. is executive director of NAES.