It’s Not What You Think!

On Palm Sunday, the New York Times Magazine carried an interesting article about a woman who identified herself as a “prodigal child,” when it came to churchgoing. As she began, in her... Read More »

Palm Sunday

As a child, I loved Palm Sunday. While the rest of Lent focused on what we were “giving up,” we actually “got” something on Palm Sunday—a gift from heaven, as it were.... Read More »

Following Dale

Many of us were stunned and shattered by the last week’s death of Dale Regan, head of school at Episcopal School of Jacksonville. I only knew Dale through an occasional email exchange or a... Read More »

The Issue Behind the Issue

At first glance, the recent and intense debate on the Obama administration’s plan to require religiously affiliated institutions, such as hospitals, schools and colleges, to offer birth control... Read More »

Intellect and Religious Imagination

Anna Devere Smith is best known for powerful and provocative performances. She is perhaps less well known as an Episcopalian. Smith has just begun a residency at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco... Read More »

Atheism 2.0

In his very provocative TED talk, British self-help guru Alain de Botton posits that “there is something to learn from religion even if you don’t believe in anything.” He calls this... Read More »