Healed and Made Whole

January and February are rough times in schools. Days are dark and long and the hard work is upon us. It can be tough to remember why we do what we do and even tougher to feel that we’re doing... Read More »

Beyond Words

I had just landed, on my flight to Washington DC on Friday, when I opened up my email and read the first news of the horrific events unfolding in Newtown, CT. During the flight, I had been listening... Read More »

At the Name of Jesus

At one of the workshops dealing with the issue of Episcopal identity (as part of the recent NAES Biennial Conference 2012), a member of the audience asked the assembled panel a challenging question... Read More »

Hearing the Call

Episcopal schools are justifiably proud of being the church’s growth edge. While parishes and diocese have experienced worthy and necessary if sometimes debilitating debates about liturgy,... Read More »

Helping After Sandy

Those of us here in the New York office are among the lucky ones. Although inconvenienced, we have come through Sandy with our homes, lives, and loved ones intact. Many of you have reached out to ask... Read More »

Bridging the Divides

“Minority Students Say They Face Social Segregation and Indifference” reads the subtitle of a hefty article in the October 21 New York Times about racial and socio-economic divides in... Read More »

On Distracting Ourselves

This past week the Wall Street Journal carried a sobering article about the increase in childhood accidents, and the possibility that they might be related to the supervising adult being distracted... Read More »

Beyond Happiness

This evening is the start of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a solemn time spent in prayerful reflection on the sins of the past year, petitions for forgiveness, and a fresh start for the new year... Read More »

Truth and Lies

The tsunami of truths, half-truths, and falsehoods swirling around the current presidential campaign brought to mind a phone conversation I had with an irate parent early in my career at a boarding... Read More »