Invisible No More

The New York Times is running a powerful four-part series called “Invisible Child.” It offers an in-depth profile of Dasani, a middle school girl who lives in a Brooklyn family shelter.... Read More »

Girl Engineers Go Viral

One of the hottest videos flying around Facebook and the twitter-sphere is a two-minute promotional video for a new line of girl-friendly building toys called GoldieBlox. It’s been tweeted by... Read More »

Two Types of Episcopal Identity

In a big move, St. Athanasius School has decided to ask the vestry of the parish to approve a change in the school’s by-laws. It is requesting that the percentage of school board members who... Read More »

The Preschool Crisis

Despite ample evidence of the important role that early language development plays in reading and literacy and numerous calls for a focus on the education of young children, the United States... Read More »

Big Data and the Schoolhouse

A third grade teacher stands next to one of her students and, using a microphone attached to a tablet, listens to the child read. The software program on the tablet immediately notes how many words... Read More »

The Trophied Life

This past week the New York Times carried a fascinating editorial piece about the number of awards that children receive, both in and out of school. The writer, Ashley Merryman, wrote of how... Read More »

Narrowing the “Gaps”

When I was a kid, a “gap” was something between my teeth, or next to the railway platform, or a way to get over the mountains. Today, we have other kinds of gaps: the ‘achievement... Read More »

Readiness to Return

“O God of peace, who has taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved….” (from the prayer “For Quiet Confidence,” The Book of Common Prayer, page 832) This... Read More »

Graceful Leavings

During the month of June, I have had the privilege of speaking at two commencements at Episcopal schools. One was a twelfth grade commencement at Christ Church Episcopal School in Greenville, South... Read More »