STEM Meets Service

STEM and STEAM have hit schools like a tsunami. 3-D printers, “maker spaces” and all things inventive are increasingly part of the curriculum. In part, the STEM movement grew out of... Read More »

The Self-Driving Car

As a child, a road trip to visit a relative or meandering the dirt roads of Vermont instilled in me a great love of driving. I couldn’t wait to be the person behind the wheel. I still take... Read More »

Sticking Around

Two weeks ago, I was privileged to attend a Sunday adult forum, at St. Philip’s-in-the-Hills Episcopal Church in Tucson, Arizona, and hear the youth group at St. Philip’s give an account... Read More »

For the Love of Chaplains

Last week, the NAES Facebook feed was filled with photos of schools celebrating Valentine’s Day, from colored-paper hearts filled with messages of love to campuses filled with students dressed... Read More »

The Why of Episcopal Schools

Recently, I re-visited Simon Sinek’s book, Start With Why. Sinek takes his readers on a journey to explore some of the most inspirational leaders and successful business personalities in our... Read More »

Finding God in the World

My Episcopal priest when I was growing up always said that he loved getting books for Christmas, but that he wished that people could also grant him the time to read them as well. It is a blessing to... Read More »

Tag, You’re It

A year out of college, I found myself driving from Boston to Baltimore on a hot August day straight from waiting table in a Boston fish house to a girls’ boarding school. I had no impressive... Read More »

Blessings During a School Day

“Thank you for the blessing it really helped me focus” said a 6th grade football player after a game. At Campbell Hall, our student’s spiritual life is shaped by chapel worship, but... Read More »