I Pray for My Dog

“Rooted in a rhythm of gathering and reflection, we educate toward a larger purpose.”  Our Episcopal Tradition Matters Oregon Episcopal School Some years ago, our Lower School... Read More »

Speaking the Truth in Love

“How do we hold the community together in difficult times?” This remains a pressing question for school leaders. During NAES’s recent Jonathan T. Glass Institute for New Heads,... Read More »

From the Belly of the Fish

Tomorrow I will be speak to our seniors during their Chapel service—my topic: Jonah. The story of this lost man has sparked my imagination since I was very small because it is so visually... Read More »

Making the Stranger Our Neighbor

As we begin another school year, we may tend to over focus on the context of our positions as Chaplains. We may set goals for our curricula, chapel programs, and pastoral ministries, which... Read More »

St. Benedict Was On to Something

The first days of school are soon upon us and we all know what that means: handbooks. Employee handbooks, parent handbooks, student handbooks and, yes, even trustee handbooks! These handbooks teach... Read More »

Summer Reading for the Grown-Ups

Here are good reads of all kinds, from beach books to professional literature and everything in between. Happy reading from all of us at NAES! Books to Breeze Thorough This Summer: New York Times... Read More »

A Glimpse of Lenten Service

Each year our seventh grade Applied Christianity: Ethics and Moral Living Christian Education students develop an almsgiving program for our school, St. Mark’s Cathedral School in Shreveport,... Read More »

Feasting and Fasting

In my former life, I taught Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises at an evangelical college every year. I always struggled a bit when we arrived at the section describing the Fiesta de San... Read More »

The Survey Says…

If you ever need an inspiring reminder about the spiritual diversity and curiosity of your Episcopal school students, I recommend giving your students a Chaplain’s Survey and documenting the... Read More »