Wednesday June 13, 2018
03:00 pm
- 03:30 pm
Check-in and Materials Pick-up
- A300 Corridor
03:30 pm
- 05:00 pm
Opening General Session
- A300
The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman D.D.
Consultant, Executive Coach
The Education Group
05:00 pm
- 06:00 pm
- Dining Room - Deck G
06:00 pm
- 07:00 pm
- Dining Room
07:00 pm
- 08:00 pm
Spiritual Reflections on the Past Year
- A300
The Rev. Barbara Talcott
Chaplain and Religion Teacher Emeritus
08:00 pm
- 09:00 pm
Rest, Reflection, Collegial Conversation
- On Your Own
09:00 pm
- 09:30 pm
- A300
Thursday June 14, 2018
07:30 am
- 08:00 am
Morning Prayer
- A300
08:00 am
- 09:00 am
- Dining Room
09:00 am
- 12:00 pm
Keynote Speaker and Discussion
- A300
The Rev. E. Ross Kane Ph.D.
Director of Doctoral Programs and Assistant Professor of Theology
Virginia Theological Seminary
12:00 pm
- 01:00 pm
- Dining Room
01:00 pm
- 02:15 pm
Rest, Reflection, Collegial Conversation
- On Your Own
02:15 pm
- 03:30 pm
Vocation & Self-Care as School Chaplains
The Rev. Dr. Dorothy A. White
Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia
03:30 pm
- 04:00 pm
Coffee Break
- Break Area
04:00 pm
- 05:15 pm
Resource Sharing
Bring one "must-have" chapel and one teaching resource or model to share with colleagues and a story about the "best" chapel of your school year.
The Rev. Tim Kennedy
Senior Chaplain
All Saints Episcopal School
The Rev. Timothy J.S. Seamans
Cathedral School for Boys
06:00 pm
- 07:15 pm
- Dining Room
07:15 pm
- 08:15 pm
Unconference #1
The "unconference" format allows for small-group conversation on topics generated by participants.
08:15 pm
- 09:00 pm
Reflection, Meditation, and Collegial Conversation
- A300
09:00 pm
- 09:30 pm
- A300
Friday June 15, 2018
07:30 am
- 08:00 pm
Morning Prayer
- A300
08:00 am
- 08:30 am
- Dining Room
08:30 am
- 09:45 am
Unconference #2
10:00 am
- 11:00 am
Spiritual Intentions for the Coming Year
- A300
The Rev. Joshua Ashton Hill
Rector, St. Alban's Episcopal Church
11:00 am
- 11:30 pm
Closing Reflections
- A300
11:30 am
- 12:15 pm
Holy Eucharist
- A300
12:15 pm
- 01:15 pm
- Dining Room