Chaplains' Retreat 2018

Wednesday, June 13 (2:30pm) - Friday, June 15, 2018 (1:15pm US/Eastern)

Conference Center at the Maritime Institute
692 Maritime Blvd. [map]
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090

Schedule of Sessions and Special Events

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Wednesday June 13, 2018

03:00 pm - 03:30 pm Check-in and Materials Pick-up - A300 Corridor
03:30 pm - 05:00 pm Opening General Session - A300
The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman D.D. photo The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman D.D.
Consultant, Executive Coach
The Education Group
05:00 pm - 06:00 pm Reception - Dining Room - Deck G
06:00 pm - 07:00 pm Dinner - Dining Room
07:00 pm - 08:00 pm Spiritual Reflections on the Past Year - A300
The Rev. Barbara Talcott photo The Rev. Barbara Talcott
Chaplain and Religion Teacher Emeritus

08:00 pm - 09:00 pm Rest, Reflection, Collegial Conversation - On Your Own
09:00 pm - 09:30 pm Compline - A300

Thursday June 14, 2018

07:30 am - 08:00 am Morning Prayer - A300
08:00 am - 09:00 am Breakfast - Dining Room
09:00 am - 12:00 pm Keynote Speaker and Discussion - A300
The Rev. E. Ross Kane Ph.D. photo The Rev. E. Ross Kane Ph.D.
Director of Doctoral Programs and Assistant Professor of Theology
Virginia Theological Seminary
12:00 pm - 01:00 pm Lunch - Dining Room
01:00 pm - 02:15 pm Rest, Reflection, Collegial Conversation - On Your Own
02:15 pm - 03:30 pm Vocation & Self-Care as School Chaplains
The Rev. Dr. Dorothy A. White
Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm Coffee Break - Break Area
04:00 pm - 05:15 pm Resource Sharing
Bring one "must-have" chapel and one teaching resource or model to share with colleagues and a story about the "best" chapel of your school year.
The Rev. Tim Kennedy
Senior Chaplain
All Saints Episcopal School
The Rev. Timothy J.S. Seamans photo The Rev. Timothy J.S. Seamans
Cathedral School for Boys
06:00 pm - 07:15 pm Dinner - Dining Room
07:15 pm - 08:15 pm Unconference #1
The "unconference" format allows for small-group conversation on topics generated by participants.
08:15 pm - 09:00 pm Reflection, Meditation, and Collegial Conversation - A300
09:00 pm - 09:30 pm Compline - A300

Friday June 15, 2018

07:30 am - 08:00 pm Morning Prayer - A300
08:00 am - 08:30 am Breakfast - Dining Room
08:30 am - 09:45 am Unconference #2
10:00 am - 11:00 am Spiritual Intentions for the Coming Year - A300
The Rev. Joshua Ashton Hill
Rector, St. Alban's Episcopal Church

11:00 am - 11:30 pm Closing Reflections - A300
11:30 am - 12:15 pm Holy Eucharist - A300
12:15 pm - 01:15 pm Lunch - Dining Room