Wednesday April 06, 2016
03:30 pm
- 04:00 pm
Registration and Check-in
- Suite 7B
04:00 pm
- 05:00 pm
Introductions and Overview
- Suite 7B
05:00 pm
- 06:00 pm
Heading a School: What Have I Gotten Myself In For?
- Suite 7B
Mr. Albert Throckmorton
Head of School
St. Mary's Episcopal School
06:15 pm
- 08:15 pm
Reception and Dinner
- Sessions
Thursday April 07, 2016
08:00 am
- 09:00 am
- Suite 7A
09:15 am
- 10:30 am
Am I the Right Person to Be a Head of School?
- Suite 7B
Ms. Linda MacMurray Gibbs
10:30 am
- 11:45 pm
What Makes Episcopal School Leadership Different?
- Suite 7B
Ms. Ann Mellow
Coach and Consultant
The Leader Network
12:00 pm
- 01:00 pm
- Suite 7A
01:30 pm
- 02:45 pm
The Match Game: The School's Needs and the Candidate's Qualities
- Suite 7B
Mr. Robert Fricker
Senior Consultant
Carney, Sandoe & Associates
02:45 pm
- 03:15 pm
Coffee Break
- Suite 7B
03:15 pm
- 04:30 pm
The Head as the Spiritual Leader of the School
- Suite 7B
The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman D.D.
Consultant, Executive Coach
The Education Group
05:00 pm
- 06:30 pm
- Sessions
Friday April 08, 2016
08:00 am
- 09:00 am
- Speakers
09:00 am
- 10:30 am
Successful Transitions and Board Relationships
- Executive Board Room
Ms. Jayne M. Geiger
Educators' Collaborative, L.L.C.
Mr. James Rogers
Past Trustee
Phillips Exeter Academy
10:45 am
- 11:15 am
The Uniqueness of Episcopal Schools
- Executive Board Room
The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman D.D.
Consultant, Executive Coach
The Education Group
Ms. Ann Mellow
Coach and Consultant
The Leader Network
11:30 am
- 12:15 pm
Holy Eucharist
- Executive Board Room
12:15 pm
- 12:45 pm
Grab and Go Box Lunch
- Executive Board Room