Fashioning our Lives: Chaplains, Self Care, & Spiritual Renewal

Thursday, June 18, 2020 (10:30am - 3:30pm US/Eastern)

Zoom Video Conference

Schedule of Sessions and Special Events

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Thursday June 18, 2020

10:30 am - 10:50 am Informal Coffee and Chat
Log on a little early and bring your morning coffee, tea or juice to connect with others informally before we begin scheduled programming.
11:00 am - 11:15 am Morning Worship & Invocation
Led by The Rev. Jorge Sayago-Gonzalez, Chaplain - St. Stephen's Episcopal Day School, Coconut Grove (FL)
11:15 am - 11:30 am Welcome and Introduction
The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman D.D. photo The Rev. Daniel R. Heischman D.D.
Consultant, Executive Coach
The Education Group
11:30 am - 01:00 pm Keynote Presentation & Conversation
The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright photo The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright
Bishop of Atlanta
The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm Break
02:00 pm - 03:00 pm Afternoon Sessions for Reconnection and Nourishment
Breathe: Communal Wellness and Human Flourishing Amid A Dual Pandemic
What does it mean for you to be a faithful minister of the gospel during the dual pandemics of the novel coronavirus and systemic racial injustice? How do we live that out in our schools? What is God’s call as you teach and shape the lives of young people during this time? Centered on Ezekiel 37 and the Valley of Dry Bones, and drawing from the writings of The Rev. Dr. Emilie M. Townes and Dr. Imani Perry, The Rev. Charles A. Wynder, Jr., Staff Officer, Social Justice and Engagement, The Episcopal Church, and The Reverend Allison Read, chaplain to the Groton School, will open up discussion and facilitate reflection on these questions.
Self Care for Chaplains over the Summer
Facilitated by The Rev. Sarah Anne Wood, Lead Chaplain - Trinity School, New York (NY)

After the close of an unprecedented school year, there may be no more pertinent subject we explore together as self care. As we decompress together, we will bring mindfulness to the nurturing of body, mind, and soul providing both personal and collective resonance. As we face the overwhelming reality of the pandemic and cries for a more just world, a return to the practice of “being in each moment” seems essential. Attention to the simple human dignities, and holding space for this in community, opens a portal for growth. Listening Circles, Mindfulness Meditation, celebration, daily exercise (getting out of the house!), and building relationships are a few of the elements of humanity that were brought to the forefront this spring.
Spiritual Leadership for the Coming Academic Year: Defining and Ministering to the School at a time of uncertainty and flux - SOLD OUT
Facilitated by the Rev. Dan Heischman, D.D., Executive Director - NAES

School chaplains are called to understand, embrace, and work with school communities as we find them, not just what we want them to be. During this multi-crisis time, what do each one of us anticipate we will encounter, and what are we likely to encounter, as we plan for and welcome the year ahead?
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm Closing Worship Experience
Led by Episcopal school chaplains.