Tragedy Strikes, Yet Again

The explosions at the Boston Marathon that injured so many and took the lives of three people, including an eight-year-old boy, came as yet another shock, following so closely as they have on the... Read More »

Redeemed by Love

On Easter Sunday, I happened to turn on the radio and encounter a moving conversation between On Being host Krista Tippett and Rep. John Lewis, one of the civil rights movement’s great leaders... Read More »

Finding Solitude

It’s Asia Week here in New York City, an annual festival of arts and culture both ancient and contemporary. A featured exhibition is the Asia Society’s exquisite display of Chinese brush... Read More »

Three Nagging Chapel Issues

There are many weighty issues when it comes to chapel. How often should we have it? What about the Eucharist within the context of school chapel? How Christian should chapel be, or how inclusive... Read More »

Hiring Season: A Time of Trial?

It’s probably no accident that the faculty hiring season ramps up just as Lent begins. The hiring process can sometimes feel like forty days in the wilderness! Anxiety, fear, and just plain... Read More »

Beyond the Denominational Lines

At our recent meeting of the NAES Governing Board, Bishop Thomas Breidenthal of the Diocese of Southern Ohio made the observation that, increasingly, the Episcopal Church is exploring the... Read More »

Healed and Made Whole

January and February are rough times in schools. Days are dark and long and the hard work is upon us. It can be tough to remember why we do what we do and even tougher to feel that we’re doing... Read More »

Beyond Words

I had just landed, on my flight to Washington DC on Friday, when I opened up my email and read the first news of the horrific events unfolding in Newtown, CT. During the flight, I had been listening... Read More »

At the Name of Jesus

At one of the workshops dealing with the issue of Episcopal identity (as part of the recent NAES Biennial Conference 2012), a member of the audience asked the assembled panel a challenging question... Read More »