
Gloria H. Snyder (1937-2018)

The Episcopal school world lost one of its greatest champions shortly before Christmas, when Gloria Snyder died in Dallas, TX. Upon assuming the leadership of Parish Day School in Dallas in 1980, Gloria nurtured and developed a caring and cohesive Episcopal school community, and after twenty-some years led the expansion of the school to a new campus — adding a middle and upper school — into what is now Parish Episcopal School. She was also highly involved in the larger world of Episcopal schools, being active in the Southwest Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES) as well as the National Association of Episcopal Schools. In 2008, NAES honored her with the Ruth Jenkins Award for Outstanding Service to Episcopal schools. Read More »

Evening Prayer Sermon from NAES Biennial Conference 2018

To anchor my remarks tonight, I want to use the words from the hymn we just sung. Hymn #605, to be exact, in the Hymnal. The title is “What does the Lord require?” That’s also the first line of the hymn. I think that’s a good question for us to stay tethered to as the world spins around. “What does the Lord require?” is also a good question for us to keep in front of our minds and hearts because of the calling that we share — the formation of young people. Read More »

Goldenhar to Grammys, Broadway to Biennial: Part 2

In last month's Network, we met three rock stars of very different stripes, and two healers. For our second installment we'll meet some great theological minds (we are Episcopal schools after all), as well as two filmmakers with strong ties to the Episcopal Church. Read More »

Goldenhar to Grammys, Broadway to Biennial: Part 1

If you've been keeping up with Biennial Conference 2018, you may be thinking that this year’s plenary and featured speakers seem like an eclectic group. You wouldn’t be wrong. But believe it or not, there are clear threads that link all of these speakers to some of the most important work NAES has embarked upon. Read More »

Opening the Doors

This past July, I arrived in Austin TX for the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. Checking into the hotel, the agent at the front desk asked me if I was with this big convention in town. I replied yes. He then told me how impressed he was with the people he had encountered or observed who were attending General Convention. “People are very kind to each other in this group, and they are nice to us (the hotel staff),” he observed. “They ask each other how they are each doing, and they embrace old friends.” Read More »

#GC79 General Convention Recap

The 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church took place July 5-13, 2018 in Austin, Texas. Significant statements and decisions related to The Episcopal Church emerged from this gathering, including trial marriage rites for same-sex couples, transgender access, Safe Church training, statements on racial reconciliation, and study of lay family leave benefits. Read More »

Parkland Two Months Later: How Episcopal Schools Have Responded

On Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2018, a mass shooting claimed the lives of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. An additional 17 people were wounded, making the Parkland Shooting one of the world’s most deadly school massacres. As with many such incidences, it has revived political debates surrounding gun control and school safety. Read More »

Sandi Hannibal to Lead Edward E. Ford Grant Initiative

NAES is pleased to announce that Sandi Hannibal will lead a new NAES initiative to establish a national network of diversity practitioners in Episcopal schools. This initiative is possible thanks to a grant of $35,000 from the Edward E. Ford Foundation, successfully matched by new or enhanced gifts from individuals or schools to NAES. Read More »