
Creating the Ideal Parish Day School Governing Board Calendar

Well-crafted bylaws will define the decision-making authority of an Episcopal parish, cathedral, or seminary school board, including its relationship to the vestry or similar governing body. However, bylaws will not outline how best to execute the work of the school board, or how or when to communicate with the vestry regarding any approvals or decisions mandated by the bylaws. An annual board calendar showing tasks and critical decisions is one way to realize best practices in parish day school governance and support a smooth working relationship between church and school. Read More »

The Accreditation Question

Each year, the NAES office receives inquiries about the accreditation process: How can we best integrate our Episcopal identity into an independent school accreditation process? How do we articulate the unique governance structure of our school in relation to our accrediting agency? How can we insure that the visiting team understands us as an Episcopal school? How do we educate the vestry and parish leaders? This article offers a basic overview of accreditation along with six simple ways to strengthen the accreditation process in an Episcopal school. Read More »

Call for Resources for Suicide Prevention Training

Self-harm and suicide are at unprecedented levels among our youth. On September 19, NAES joined with youth leaders of The Episcopal Church to respond to General Convention Resolution C014: Suicide Prevention Advocacy and Clergy Training. The resolution encourages institutions and dioceses to offer four hours of suicide prevention education, using evidence-based training, for adults who work with youth. Read More »

Wellness and Wellbeing in Episcopal Schools

According to a February 2019 study by the Pew Research Center, teens identify anxiety and depression as significant issues for themselves and their peers—more significant than bullying, drug addiction, alcohol use, poverty, teen pregnancy, or drugs. The results cut across gender, racial, and socio-economic lines, with roughly equal shares of teens across all demographic groups reporting similar levels of concern.  Read More »

On-boarding Your New Trustees—What Your New Board Members Need to Know

Whether you are an experienced trustee or a newly minted member of the board, a member of the clergy or a school leader, a committed parent or a parishioner, your work on the school board will shape the institution and the people in it far beyond the term of your individual service. We asked some experienced school leaders about what might be important for trustees of Episcopal schools of all kinds and sizes to keep in mind as a new school year begins. Here are four themes that emerged from those conversations. Read More »

Episcopal Identity 2.0

Today, “2.0” is used throughout the education world to signal a transformational reinvention of schooling. STEM, STEAM, digital learning, and design thinking are educational responses to a changing social and technological landscape. Similarly, Episcopal schools are exploring how best to live out their core values in the context of a changing social and religious landscape. Read More »

The Composition of Episcopal School and ECE Program Boards

NAES is often asked about the ideal composition of an Episcopal school and Early Childhood Education program school board. Given the diversity of Episcopal schools, there is no “one size fits all” answer to this question. But here are some key considerations to keep in mind when reviewing or evaluating your school board’s composition. Read More »