
Be the Buffalo

Our Biennial Conference in San Antonio afforded us an opportunity to come together and reflect upon the importance of being “strong and courageous” in our work in Episcopal schools. As we reflected upon that theme over two and a half days, we also shared the joy of seeing old friends while making new ones in celebration of our shared mission. I left reinvigorated for our work together and I hope that you did, too! Read More »

Mandatory Maintenance

You may have noticed that I talk about the importance of rest and recovery for our community a lot. For some of us, this topic is a challenge. For a variety of reasons, we tend to resist the idea of slowing down and taking a break. Read More »

Strong and Courageous Questions

“If I had an hour to solve a problem, and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first 55 minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.” Read More »

Good Governance: Questions You Should Be Asking

Good governance is much easier in theory than in practice. Knowing how something should be handled and who should handle it or where the decision-making power lies in a particular situation, for example, does not always translate into what we do and is further complicated by how well others in our communities understand the work. Read More »

First Impressions

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression!” I can’t remember where I actually read or heard that for the first time. Some attribute it to Will Rogers. Regardless, I think there is some truth to it. Read More »

Celebrating the New Year

Happy New Year! Every August, I celebrate Educators’ New Year—the start of the school year. It’s a time for new beginnings with school supplies and classroom materials taking the place of champagne and streamers toasting as we reconnect with colleagues and welcome newcomers into our community. It’s a time of great excitement and possibilities. Educator’s New Year is a celebration we desperately need this year after two especially challenging years. It can help us remember why we do “the work” that we do.  Read More »

NAES Publishes New “About Episcopal Schools”

NAES is pleased to announce the newest edition of our popular About Episcopal Schools publication. This brand new version can be distributed as a pamphlet or displayed as a poster. Perfect for use in admission and development information kits, as a faculty/staff training resource or as a general information tool. Read More »

The Exit Portal

In a recent interview, operatic soprano and now emerging director, Patricia Racette, responded to this question: “What advice would you give, in 2022, to yourself as a young singer?” Her response was telling. “As a performer,” she would advise herself, “you need to find that exit portal [inside of yourself] for what you are trying to implement interpretively. You think it, you feel it, and have it going on all inside—but that does not mean it is getting out. Find that exit portal.” Read More »

Questions Frequently Asked by Parents About Episcopal Identity

In our work with Episcopal schools throughout the country, it has become increasingly clear to us that those who serve in our schools’ admissions offices are, in so many ways, on the front line when it comes to explaining the Episcopal identity of the school. In response to that need, NAES began an Admissions Advisory Group in 2019, a small and experienced assemblage of admissions professionals from our schools who could help us better determine how we can be of more service to this important segment of a school community. Read More »

A Tribute to Two Episcopal School Leaders

Among the many relationships we seek to maintain at NAES, the various local or regional Episcopal school associations rank high. Their work—particularly in parts of the country where there is a significant concentration of Episcopal schools—balances and enhances what we attempt to do at a national level. Read More »