
A Message for Episcopal Schools Celebration

As a student of an Episcopal school, I could tell that my experience was different from my friends attending school elsewhere. One of the biggest differences was how I related to the adults in the building. Hearing my friends talk about their teachers, it was obvious there was a fundamental difference in how we viewed our teachers. I knew deeply that the adults in the building were completely on my side and wanted the best for me, even when they were pushing me beyond what I wanted to do as a teenager. While I frequently found their interventions annoying—as any teenager would—I knew their actions came from a place of wanting what was best for me, even though I would never admit it at the time. This demonstration of their love was fundamental in my learning how to persevere.  Read More »

Trusteeship in Episcopal Schools

Strong Episcopal schools can’t exist without strong Episcopal school boards. Whether you are an experienced trustee or a newly minted member, your work on the school board will shape the institution and the people in it far beyond the term of your individual service. Board leadership is critical to a school’s success in fulfilling its mission and living into its Episcopal identity. As you reflect on your leadership and prepare for the upcoming school year, here are four strategies for success.  Read More »

Here We Go Again!

Time flies! At the start of each summer, it feels as if we have tons of time before the new year begins. Then we blink, and the starting line is right around the corner. There is no shortage of things we must do to prepare for the new school year. All this can lead to stress, frustration, and irritation—the exact opposite of the energy needed to put our best foot forward and set a positive tone for the new year. I wonder if there is a better way?  Read More »

Good News from a Difficult Place

For those who are connected with Haiti, it's been four years of bad news, getting worse all the time. Political infighting, the assassination of the president, the takeover of most of the capital city, Port-au-Prince, by gangs largely funded by South American drug cartels who use Haiti as a transshipment point to the U.S. drug market, an earthquake in the south of the country, a worldwide pandemic—just when it seems that the news cannot get any worse, it does. Read More »

An Interview with Two EUSA Heads of School

This spring during our monthly chats with heads of school who are People of Color, we had the opportunity to learn from two of our colleagues who are leading schools that are a part of the Episcopal Urban School Alliance (EUSA). Read More »

Pause, Refresh, Renew

“Site not responding. Refresh?” How many times have we seen these words on our computer screens? Just when we are at our busiest and need information from a site or need to perform a task quickly, the site freezes…is stuck. Read More »

Connecting the Head and the Heart

If I were to assign a theme to this time of the school year, it would be “Choosing.” Nearly everyone is making choices. Faculty, staff, and administrators are determining if their school is the best place for them to grow as professionals while also deciding whom to hire. Current parents and guardians are assessing their children’s experience as they review the re-enrollment contract. Read More »

Worship at the Center

Worship is a central “pillar” of Episcopal identity. Faculty and students alike come together regularly for age-appropriate, ecumenical worship using the wealth of resources from The Book of Common Prayer. Read More »