Rethinking Readiness

As I commented to the parents of Saint Mary’s School a few weeks ago, this time of year is all about preparation. There’s shopping, cooking, packing, wrapping, writing, singing, decorating, calling, cleaning, visiting, and baking. If you’re somehow involved in the school community, add more performances, exam writing, exam taking, studying, grading, and more to the ever-growing list. All this preparation, and all this talk about preparation, is in many ways well placed for a number of reasons. Few things happen overnight. Learning how to prepare for a big task by breaking it down in to small steps is an invaluable life skill that we hope to teach the young people in our care. Read More »

Episcopal Schools often cast a wide net, drawing in families from a variety of backgrounds — different races, ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, family structures, to name a few. Of course,... Read More »

The Courage to Be Vulnerable

“I was afraid, but I learned to trust my doctors as my parents and I decided that I needed to have a fairly experimental knee surgery.” Chris, an 8th grader, connected this story during... Read More »

I Pray for My Dog

“Rooted in a rhythm of gathering and reflection, we educate toward a larger purpose.”  Our Episcopal Tradition Matters Oregon Episcopal School Some years ago, our Lower School... Read More »

Speaking the Truth in Love

“How do we hold the community together in difficult times?” This remains a pressing question for school leaders. During NAES’s recent Jonathan T. Glass Institute for New Heads,... Read More »

From the Belly of the Fish

Tomorrow I will be speak to our seniors during their Chapel service—my topic: Jonah. The story of this lost man has sparked my imagination since I was very small because it is so visually... Read More »

Making the Stranger Our Neighbor

As we begin another school year, we may tend to over focus on the context of our positions as Chaplains. We may set goals for our curricula, chapel programs, and pastoral ministries, which... Read More »