The Little Way

These last few weeks in most of our communities will stretch us in two directions: we will be weary, worn, and tired, but simultaneously inspired, energized, and touched by the multitude of... Read More »

Sacred Flames

A few nights ago, I entered Belmont Chapel at St. Mark's School in Southborough to light candles for an evening chapel service. A group of theater students were in the chapel rehearsing a performance that they were going to be giving that night. One of the theater students — a tall, wiry kid with the energy of a thousand suns — immediately dropped character and asked if he could help. Read More »

Restoring the Covenant

I was privileged recently to hear Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks speak at Trinity School here in New York. The former Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, Sacks is a major thought-leader who speaks and writes about religion, ethics, and society. Read More »

What’s Next?

Last month, I announced to my school community that I would retire at the end of the 2018-19 academic year. Articulating this long-anticipated intention in public fashion elicited a range of... Read More »

The Challenge of a Big Tent

I have never been so happy to be head of an Episcopal School. Our school, in the tradition of Episcopal Schools, articulates that tradition through three key ideas: inquiry, the basis of our program;... Read More »

Knowing God; Knowing Ourselves

I have been in education for over 30 years. I’ve been fortunate because I have worked with great students and wonderful colleagues: ambitious, caring, grateful, and generous. To give you an... Read More »

Lessons from the Historic Saint James

Saint James School in St. James, Maryland, is celebrating its 175th Anniversary. It is a model Episcopal boarding school operating at full capacity. Though the school located sixty-five minutes... Read More »

February: The Darkest Month

December’s winter solstice ushers in longer days and welcome light. But in schools, February is darkest month. Even as we celebrate the coming of the Magi, teachers are bracing for that long... Read More »