Earning “Everybody”

I took a group of high school students to the Holocaust Museum. I rehearsed responses to what I suspected would be their questions. Of course no words are adequate to “respond” to the... Read More »

Loving Our Neighbors

Religion in American life, and in our neighborhoods, continues to be a complex proposition. I live in New York City, a place that typically prides itself on the variety of nationalities, races,... Read More »


If you want to know what is important to a child, just listen to his or her prayers. At least that is the case during our weekly community Eucharist shared by students and faculty in Grades... Read More »


Most of us will sit through at least one graduation this May or June. After the ceremony, faculty and parents will do as they have always done—they will wonder how this day could have come so... Read More »

Bringing Communion Back

This fall, our school brought communion back. Breck is a large, co-ed independent Episcopal school in Minneapolis. Although lots of Episcopal schools include the Eucharist as an integral part of... Read More »

Cultivating Variety

I recently happened across Michael Pollan’s The Botany of Desire, a PBS program that explores the interaction between humans and horticulture, particularly our power to transform plants to our... Read More »

How Are the Grown-ups Doing?

The days leading up to the recent Congressional vote on the health care reform bill were emotionally charged. Advocates and opponents made last ditch efforts to state their views and sway opinions.... Read More »

The Quiet Garden

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31 I was privileged to attend the NAES Heads’ Retreat on February 23 and 24 in San Francisco for two days of... Read More »

Haiti: Singing to Push Back the Dark

St. Andre’s Episcopal Church and School, Hinche, Haiti, Easter Eve, 1999. The first fire at Easter is being kindled in the dark at the back of the church, and it truly is dark, as the town... Read More »