On Distracting Ourselves

This past week the Wall Street Journal carried a sobering article about the increase in childhood accidents, and the possibility that they might be related to the supervising adult being distracted... Read More »

Beyond Happiness

This evening is the start of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, a solemn time spent in prayerful reflection on the sins of the past year, petitions for forgiveness, and a fresh start for the new year... Read More »

Truth and Lies

The tsunami of truths, half-truths, and falsehoods swirling around the current presidential campaign brought to mind a phone conversation I had with an irate parent early in my career at a boarding... Read More »

The Power of Words

In a recent study to investigate the impact that certain words can have over peoples’ actions, each person in two control groups was given $10. In both groups, each person was told that he or... Read More »

All We Can Do Is Pray!

This past month, in a pastoral letter to all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Colorado, Bishop Robert O’Neill expressed his heartfelt sadness and concern for the victims, survivors, and families... Read More »

If Augustine Was a Teenager

I opened my mail today to find a copy of Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People, a great little volume by Jennifer Gamber and Sharon Ely Pearson, published by Morehouse. It was sent to me by... Read More »

Hearing God’s Whisper

The Episcopal monastery of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist is not on a remote mountaintop but in the heart of Cambridge, Massachusetts, home to Harvard and M.I.T. – hardly a tranquil... Read More »

Avoiding “Voluntourism”

Global education, hands-on learning, and service to others have gained increasing traction in schools, colleges, and universities. Today, middle school, high school, and college students take their... Read More »

Moving Forward

Lately I have been thinking a good deal about a well-used phrase in our society, “moving forward.” It pops up in some cases when describing how we proceed into the future; in other... Read More »

Re-Imagining Education

In a May 17 headline entitled “Whites Account for Under Half of Births in U.S.,” The New York Times confirmed a well-known trend: the United States is rapidly becoming a multi-racial and... Read More »