Souls at Stake

I am fortunate enough to receive, on a regular basis, the talks that Jim Power, Head of School at Upper Canada College in Toronto, shares with his students. Recently, following the death of former... Read More »

Our Lady Untier of Knots

I’m sure you’ve both seen and experienced it: the tears and frustrations of a knot that simply refuses to budge. Earlier this year, I encountered for the first time an image known as Our... Read More »

The Thin Place

In one of his most recent editorials, Christian Century editor John Buchanan recalled—in remembrance of its 100th anniversary—the remarkable story of the Christmas truce of 1914. During... Read More »

Bias Among the Well-Intentioned

From 2007-2008, I was director of the Faculty Diversity Search, a consortium of over twenty New York City independent schools that recruits candidates of color. Although many FDS candidates were... Read More »

Swimming Upstream

Have you seen the DirectTV ads that feature the two versions of Rob Lowe? I admit that the first few times that I saw them, I found the ads to be clever and somewhat amusing. After a few viewings, to... Read More »

Bridging the Divide

The recent results of a Pew Research Survey on what Americans believe that all schools should be teaching give us some compelling evidence of the common concerns as well as some intense divides in... Read More »

When Tragedy Strikes: I Know Now

When my Head of School colleagues from around the country heard I was moving to the Episcopal Academy two years ago, they congratulated me of course, and many of them made a passing comment about how... Read More »

Milestones, Not Millstones

I have experienced two life events in recent weeks that have had a major positive impact on me. One was my birthday late last month, my 68th. That is not usually considered a milestone natal day, but... Read More »

Doing What We Don’t Want to Do

The bottom line here…is that I am increasingly devoting more time to the generation and recording of data and less time to the educational substance of what the data is supposed to measure.... Read More »