NAES Receives $250,000 Grant from Good Samaritan, Inc.

The National Association of Episcopal Schools is pleased to announce that it has received a $250,000 grant from Good Samaritan, Inc., of Wilmington, Delaware, in support of program initiatives during the 2003-2004, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 school years. This grant is the first of its size and kind ever received by the Association, and marks a turning point in its efforts to broaden its base of financial support.

The grant is to be used in support of a variety of programs and projects over the course of this academic year and the next two. These programs and projects include:

• Episcopal Identity Study, to be conducted in 2003-2004 and using a sample of 70 Episcopal schools, will document the impact of Episcopal identity on mission, character, programs and alumni of our schools; involve school leaders, students, trustees, parents and alumni as study participants; strengthen the Episcopal life of participating schools; and create a published summary of findings that will benefit all schools.

• Creation of NAES’ new “Leadership and Governance Institute.” The Institute is scheduled for this March 19-20, 2004, in Miami, Florida.

• Expansion of the NAES Consultation Service. The Rev. Canon Thomas G. Clarke has begun working with NAES half-time as Senior Associate Consultant in this area.

• Continuing collaboration with Virginia Theological Seminary in developing a D.Min. program and exploring a M.A.C.E. program specializing in school ministry.

• Outreach to and consultation with grass roots initiatives to establish schools serving historically underserved populations and areas.

• Installation of a new database and Association Management software. This project began in July 2003 and is scheduled for completion at the end of this calendar year.

“We are deeply grateful to Good Samaritan, Inc., for its confidence in and support of the Association’s ministry and mission, and, by extension, the ministry and work of Episcopal schools,” said the Rev. Peter G. Cheney, NAES Executive Director. “We are hopeful that Good Samaritan’s grant will open the door to support from other foundations and funding sources for NAES’ work.”

Good Samaritan, Inc., a private foundation based in Wilmington, Delaware, was founded in 1938 by members of the Carpenter and Sherrill families. It has a long history of support for educational endeavors and institutions. In 1949, Good Samaritan, Inc., provided leadership funding in support of the establishment of the Episcopal Church Foundation, founded that year by the Most Rev. Henry Knox Sherrill, the then Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

In fulfillment of Goal 5, Resources, Organization and Structure, of its Strategic Plan 2001, NAES is committed to expanding the Association’s funding base in order to expand its programs and services. This $250,000 grant from Good Samaritan, Inc., is a great step in this process.
