Grant Conditions


Requests for grants will be considered from member schools, or diocesan bishops on behalf of member schools. Requests will also be considered from regional and diocesan Episcopal schools organizations.

All schools applying for NAES grants must be a NAES member school for both the current year in which they apply and the year in which the grant is disbursed. 

Priority shall be given to those schools who have not received a grant in recent years, do not have budgets that accommodate the project requested, and have been long-standing NAES members.


Requests for grants shall be in keeping with the stated mission and purpose of NAES. These are summarized below for your information and convenience. Grants may also be used to attend NAES events.

Mission and Philosophy

The mission of the National Association of Episcopal Schools is to serve those who serve Episcopal schools. Within the Christian tradition of inclusion and open inquiry, the National Association of Episcopal Schools:

  • Affirms the spiritual dimension of learning that values both faith and reason.
  • Creates and nurtures an extended community of leaders in order to foster partnerships, unity, mutual support and professional growth.
  • Promotes personal formation through moral, spiritual, intellectual, creative, physical and social development.
  • Assists Episcopal schools in creating supportive communities through worship, learning, pastoral care and service.
  • Recognizes, appreciates and supports the diversity within and among Episcopal schools.
  • Helps schools explore, discover and articulate their visions and ministries as Episcopal schools.


  • Grant applicants must submit a completed W-9 form along with their application (see application form).
  • Grant applicants must provide a provisional project budget along with their application. This can be in the form of a separate document, or typed directly into the application form.
  • Grant recipients are required to submit a report documenting how this grant was utilized by May 1 of the following calendar year (more info below).

Report Guidelines

Grant reports should be submitted using the “School Stories” feature on the NAES website. Here are some basic guidelines to follow in writing your report:

  • Focus on Impact: Share how the grant made a tangible difference in your school community.
  • Tell a Story: Use narrative elements like quotes, anecdotes, and student voices to bring your report to life.
  • Highlight Achievements: Showcase student and faculty successes made possible by the grant.
  • Connect to Episcopal Identity: Demonstrate how the project aligns with the core values of the Episcopal tradition.
  • Include a Photo: Include photos and/or links to videos to enhance your story and showcase the grant’s impact. All school stories must provide an image. (Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.)
  • Be Concise: Aim for a clear and engaging report of 200-500 words.
  • Proofread Carefully: Ensure your report is free of errors before submitting.

Questions or concerns? Please call us at (800) 334-7626, ext. 6134, or (212) 716-6134, or email us at